The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project

Sarah E. Jenkins

Sarah E. Jenkins is an experimental animator and multimedia artist from the mountains of Pennsylvania. Inspired by the often invisible and regularly overlooked labor of the elders (especially women) in their life, Jenkins constructs meticulous and communal projects which pull from both traditional fiber arts materials and avant-garde stop-motion techniques. Equally as central to their work is the similarly invisible labor of miners, both in Appalachia and across the world in places like Wales, and the effects of this practice on the bodies and environments of laborers. In all of their pieces, Jenkins makes complex statements about familial memory, ecological degradation, and interplay between artists and audiences.

Sarah E. Jenkins' entire body of work is visible on their website

Click the title of each piece to view the full image and listen, when available, to an audio recording of Sarah E. Jenkins describing their inspiration and process behind the work of art. 

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