The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project

Jack Flora

Jack Flora is a painter, sculptor, and mixed-media artist originally from Southwest Virginia and currently based out of Chicago. Pulling from the craft imagery of their hometown, the ecology of the central Appalachian mountains, and the landscapes of their dreams, Jack Flora creates quasi-surrealist worlds that simultaneously haunt and delight. Jack Flora's paintings possess a deceptively simple flatness and folk styling that, when investigated further, confound normative understandings of the barriers (between gender, language, nature, culture, art, dreams, waking, etc.) that we construct to maintain the hierarchies and inequalities of our world. In doing so, Jack Flora and his paintings develop a personal and mythical Appalachia, with its own fantastical - yet uncannily recognizable - codes, legends, languages, and cultures.

Jack Flora's body of work is visible on their website

Click the title of each piece to view the full image and listen to an audio recording of Jack Flora describing their inspiration and process behind the work of art. 

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