The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project


Bob Morgan, in an interview, said that for many Appalachians, and especially queer Appalachians, “junk is your vocabulary," since the usual goods available to artists in urban areas aren't always available in small rural communities and towns. Looking through dumpsters, nearby woods, flea markets, or the miscellaneous drawers in their houses, the queer Appalachian artists who make use of scavenged materials are not just acting out of necessity. Rather, they are often making complex statements regarding the environment and sustainable art practices; the juxtaposition of "high" art and "low" materials; class relations and the accessibility of conventional artistic tools; or preservation and archiving of queer memories. The result of this wide range of possible materials is a kaleidoscopic assemblage of works that deviate from the more "traditional" works of art found in museums and galleries. 

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