The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project

The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project

The Wildcrafting Our Queerness Project is an ongoing effort to document and exhibit the work of LGBTQ+ artists from the Appalachian Mountains and the surrounding areas. I'm Maxwell Cloe, a scholar of LGBTQ+ history and Appalachian history currently working out of Richmond, Virginia. 

Central to this project are oral history interviews with artists where they talk about their work in general and specific works in detail. Navigate through the "Art" section of this website to hear these interviews and see the art associated with them. 

This is the main page for the project website. From here, you can explore the art in the project, read brief essays about important themes in LGBTQ+ Appalachian art and cultures, learn more about the region and its histories through the reading list, and meet and contact me. The table of contents in the upper left hand corner can also aid in this navigation. 

If you are an artist of any variety who identifies as LGBTQ+ and Appalachian and would like your work to be included in this project, please feel free to reach out to me! My email is and my Instagram is @maxwell.cloe. I would love to sit down and talk to you about your work. 

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